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Preparing for Adulthood

Within Heritage House school, a ‘career’ is defined as a pathway through life for our learners. This includes learning about the world around them, independent living skills, and the understanding of options available to them when they leave school, with support and advice through creative career education and work/ vocational related learning.

Achieved through

  • Assemblies and tutor group sessions
  • The PHSE curriculum incorporates work skills.
  • In house, vocational learning opportunities.
  • Life &independent learning skills.
  • Outdoor focused learning.
  • Discrete career lessons.
  • Role play & scenario learning, themed room & dressing up.
  • Recognition of careers in topics.
  • Skills development throughout the year.
  • Sensory development throughout the year.
  • Transition reviews – EHCP.
  • Work experience.
  • College visits
  • Transitions Fair.

The idea is that we as a school have a vision through our EHCP and start to show pathways to progression, so where they are now and where they would like to be and how we are going to get them there. This then, is reflected in their EHCP and personalised planning.

Our career's leader is Sky Gregory, and she can be contacted on 01494 771 445 or 

Governor linked to Careers and Aspirations: Parvez Hussain

Enterprise Advisor: Gordon Lyle (Bucks Skills Hub)

Enterprise Co-ordinator: Marie Djela (Bucks Skills Hub)


Bucks Skills Hub

The Bucks Skills Hub gives career-related information, including guides to different job sectors, case studies on the world of work, how to make yourself more employable, and much more!


Labour Market Information (LMI)

Today’s young people and adults face tough competition for jobs, yet many employers report difficulties in recruiting people with the right skills. The working world has changed fundamentally over the past generation, creating an employment challenge caused by the demise of the job for life, the emergence of the knowledge economy and the loss of many unskilled and semi-skilled jobs due to technological and globalisation changes.

Labour market information (LMI) may help learners and their families understand the job market and find out which careers, different qualifications can lead to. 

It provides an insight into the job market in Buckinghamshire.  It has included information on which jobs and professions are offering the most openings currently and how the job market is predicted to develop over the next few years.  It also has information about the skills that employers’ value in school-leavers.  It is well worth a read and is useful document for careers education.


Bucks Skills Hub

National Careers Service

National Development Team for Inclusion – Preparation for Adulthood

Buckinghamshire Post 16 and Careers team